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Hillary Emerges Judy Takács |
Our sweet high school babysitter grew up into a beautiful athletic woman who posts gorgeous selfies, with healthy foods and positive affirmations while hiking the desert mountains of Arizona.
Maybe you know someone like this too.
If she weren’t one of your kids’ favorite babysitters…and you hadn’t watched her grow up since the age of 14…you might limit these posts, or even turn them off because…well, her life looks too idyllic and maybe yours isn’t.
But, as a wise internet meme once said, “On Facebook, you’re comparing your real life to everyone else’s highlights reel.”
And, I was to find out eventually that the selfies of the gorgeous girl going on gorgeous hikes were not just Hillary’s highlights reel…at times these hikes were her life-line. Hillary is very forthcoming about her struggle with alcohol addiction and bulimia. She will readily tell you how healthy living, a positive mindset and her faith is continuing to save her.
Saving others also saves her.
Hillary has worked for Water4Kids, an organization which drills deep wells and water filtration systems for areas of the world where there is no access to clean water. This is a noble and difficult goal, which Hillary speaks of passionately and fights for daily. Lack of access to clean water has many heartbreaking and unexpected repercussions. Diseases like e.coli, cholera and dysentery are rampant in the contaminated water these people drink from. Children cannot attend school because they spend their days walking many miles to fetch water from faraway sources and bring it back to their village. Women must often make the choice between preparing food and spending hours bringing home water. Villagers must choose between dehydration and dysentery.
Water4Kids reaches areas with the greatest need by drilling deep wells in remote villages throughout east Africa and Central India close to their schools and medical clinics. The benefits are life changing and immense, and the organization has drilled 500 wells to date!
She now works for a technology company that helps churches and ministries organize events.
Hillary posed for me the day after Christmas, when she was back in Cleveland visiting family. Together we decided that some big shiny Christmas balls would be absolutely perfect. I presented a triple image of her, emerging from the balls and representing her own emergence as the vital, smart, healthy, kind and positive young woman she has grown to be.
Because I loved this image so much, and also because it was purple…I chose Hillary Emerges to grace the cover of the long-awaited SECOND Chicks with Balls book!
I shall be launching the book, February 13th when Chicks with Balls heads to the Zanesville Museum of Art for its (and my) first ever solo museum show!
I shall be launching the book, February 13th when Chicks with Balls heads to the Zanesville Museum of Art for its (and my) first ever solo museum show!
Opening Reception:
Chicks with Balls:
Judy Takács paints unsung female heroes
Judy Takács paints unsung female heroes
Thursday, February 13, 2020
5:00 to 7:00
The long-awaited SECOND Chicks with Balls
launches at the Opening Reception.
launches at the Opening Reception.
Gallery Talk at the Zanesville Museum of Art:
Chicks with Balls: You, me, and every woman we know
Saturday, February 15th, 2020
Satellite Exhibition at The Art Loft Zanesville:My Epic Triptych, Love, Athena will debut at their First Friday Artwalk
Friday, March 6th, 2020
5:00 to 9:00
Guest Lecture at The Art Loft Zanesville:
Beyond Chicks with Balls: The Goddess Project
Thursday, March 19, 2020
6:00 to 7:00
6:00 to 7:00
ZMA Museum Hours:
Wednesday thru Saturday: 10:00 to 5:00
Thursdays: 10:00 to 7:30
The Art Loft Hours:
These are working art studios with a beautiful gallery common space, open for the First Friday Artwalk (March 6) by appointment and by chance.
Call first: 740.704.2118
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